"I would like to say a huge thank you to the staff from last nights year 9s Options Evening for your enthusiasm and dedication to the learners.
It was wonderful to see such positive teachers who are passionate about their school and the children who attend it. Every teacher we spoke to was friendly and informative about their subject but most importantly, every one of the staff understood the individual child stood in front of them and as a parent I could not ask for more."

Year 9Parent

"Please can you pass on my sincere thanks to the receptionist Claire, as she has been so helpful when I have been in recently and has always made me feel welcome. I work in schools over Redditch and Bromsgrove (all ages) and I help schools to audit their ‘whole school approach’ to Mental Health and Wellbeing. Claire is helping to create a positive ethos for guests who come into the school."

SuzanneSchool Mental Health Advocate

"We just wanted to let you know that we are so impressed with all the improvements you have made over the last academic year, and we are so glad that our children attend Ridgeway Secondary School! There are so many aspects that have improved; communication, curriculum overview, trips & enrichment, school activities including sports day, colour run, pastoral support and much more. Both my children are extremely happy at school and to be honest, that’s all that really matters isn’t it? They always come home having had a good day, sharing anecdotes like team football matches at lunchtime and playing basketball with staff members."

Year 9 and 11Parent

"Ridgeway Secondary School has been on a rapid and sustained journey of improvement….

“…students can now enjoy a good quality of education… Across the school, lessons have a common framework for learning which enables learners to benefit from being clear about what they are learning…” 

“The determination to deliver ‘quality first teaching’ is effectively supporting students who have additional or special educational needs, have a disability, or are disadvantaged…” 

“All staff have high expectations for learners’ behaviour and conduct and apply these expectations consistently and fairly. This is reflected in students’ behaviour and conduct…” 

“…there is a clear sense that school staff have cultivated a strong family feel where all students feel that the adults know them, can be trusted, and have their best interests at heart…


Quality of Education ReviewJanuary 2024


The after school clubs for sport have been brilliant for my daughter. She has already taken part in athletics and a netball tournament, which she has enjoyed! 

 Was extremely impressed with form teacher at parents evening. She has quickly picked up that my child was reserved and we have now got to the bottom of it with adaptions bring made. Also very impressed with opportunities available for children to represent the school and all of the after school clubs. 

 Alex has always been well supported and the school has now improved the quality of information that parents receive so that we can support at home. 

 Really happy with how Sam is getting on at the school. This year especially with more after school options. Really pleased as a parent. Thank you for what you do there."

Autumn Parental FeedbackAutumn 2023


My daughter really enjoys coming to school. She speaks fondly about all of her teachers. Thank you for your hard work. 

 We are so happy with Ridgeway at the moment, the communication is excellent, the range of trips, activities, opportunities etc is vastly improved. My child really likes all of her teachers and is finally getting more engaged in PE for the first time since she started! I have been very impressed with the extra support you are giving for year 11 students it’s much appreciated. My daughter is so enthusiastic and engaged in her work thank you!"

Autumn Parental FeedbackAutumn 2023

Firstly may I say what a fantastic weekend my daughter has had. Thank you to all those involved in the planning and execution of such a wonderful trip. The weekend was filled with so many experiences,  the cost was spot on. Organisation was again brilliant. No issues at all. She benefitted by experiencing London but also getting to know her friends, teachers and pupils from other year groups better."

Creative Trip to London FeedbackMarch 2024

"We would like to offer our sincere thanks to all of the staff and helpers who organised the Battlefields trip. We felt the organisation was great, right from the first notification with regular updates throughout the lead up to the tripThe itinerary was well thought through and planned to absolutely maximise the time they had there. The social media posts during the trip were fantastic at keeping us all informed but again demonstrated the effort that had gone into making this really special for the students and you could tell everyone was involved and enjoying the trip.

I just wanted to give my feedback, firstly thank you for arranging this trip, my son had a great time. The organisation has been great. We were kept up to date and given all information needed within reasonable timescales. Financially speaking, it helped us so much that we could pay in instalments and were given plenty of time to do so. I was actually making weekly payments too which again was even more helpful than having 2 or 3 blocks to pay and it would just deduct off my balance each week which helped me to budget no end. With regards to support, I felt 100% confident for my son to go on the trip after liaising with you and, as you know, I had some concerns as it’s a big thing going overseas without family. Overall my son had a great time, the excursions sounded amazing, very informative, interactive and eye opening. I think it’s great for our kids to see such important history as this. We have even said we would love to do this as a family soon."

Battlefields TripFeb 2024

"These trips are absolutely amazing. It’s given my child so much confidence and helped with her anxiety. She had an absolutely amazing time and wants to do it again! To be able to put on this for the cost we were happy with I can’t get better than that and look forward to more trips with the school it’s life experience and

Creative Trip to LondonMarch 2024

"Thank you to Ridgeway for another amazing trip! They had a brilliant time! I think for
what they did, Wembley tour, museum, theatre and hotel it was great value. I cannot believe how much you fit in but you did it! Amazing! They loved it! They got to do so much in such a short time, memories to last a lifetime! Can you do a trip for the Parents?!"

Creative Trip to LondonMarch 2024