At Ridgeway Secondary School, the agreed purpose of Quality Assurance is to provide a framework within which we can:

– examine and enhance teaching activities to ensure that they achieve our aspirational climate of teaching & learning;

– highlight and disseminate examples of good practice;

– Identify and address underperformance or practise that is below expectations;

– ensure that all staff are involved in a developmental process of QA so that teaching & learning is continually reviewed and suggestions for development made.

Why? Outstanding Teaching and Learning has the highest impact on student achievement, progress and attainment. QA reviews, monitors and helps develop outstanding teaching and learning.

Quality Assurance is completed through ‘Department Reviews’ – a two-week focus, pre-calendared every half-term, that includes a holistic approach to QA. Different elements of evidence are included to make judgements:

– Learning walks

– Work scrunities

– Staff feedback

– Student feedback

– Parental feedback (if appropriate)

– Data

– EPraise data

Other elements of QA are also used to ensure standards and expectations are met, alongside reviewing provision in place.