As the proud Headteacher of our wonderful school, it is my pleasure to welcome you to our new website. We are a small school with a big heart, and we believe that our close-knit community creates a special place to be.

At Ridgeway, we strive to create an environment where everyone feels valued and respected. We are proud to be a place where people want to work, students want to study, and our partners want to collaborate with. Our friendly community is built on mutual respect and support.

Mr M Ball Headteacher

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Ridgeway School Instagram

Due to our ever-expanding school, we are looking for a new team member! Spread the word! 🤩💻👾💿🖥️

We continue to be so proud of our students! This week we started our open mornings and welcomed many families into the school. Some lovely feedback sent in! We still have another week of tours so please encourage families to get in touch to book! #calm #community #secondaryready #proud